rear-end car accident

Many people feel very disoriented after an accident. One moment you are driving along in your car and the next minute you feel the force of impact. It can be traumatic, to say the least. Despite the fact that you may be disoriented, overwhelmed, and even injured, there are things you should do and things you should avoid doing after an accident. We realize this is much easier said than done. However, we think it is important to clearly set forth what you should do and what you should not do after an accident. We hope this information will help guide you and help you protect yourself and your legal rights after a car accident.

What to Do (And Not to Do) After a Car Accident

After being in a car accident, take a moment to pause. Find some sense of calm and composure. It will serve you well in the next steps you should take. Call the police. If anyone is injured, this will trigger an ambulance being sent to the scene. Law enforcement will also come and an official accident report will be generated as a result. Should you later seek compensation for any injuries you sustained in the accident through a personal injury claim, the official accident report will be an important piece of evidence, particularly concerning the liability determination that will need to be made.

While talking to anyone at the scene or beyond, avoid making statements that may accidentally be interpreted as you admitting fault or speculating about fault. Even something seemingly innocent, like apologizing, can be interpreted as you admitting fault. Keep your statements to the police and others simple and direct. Get the insurance information for other parties involved in the accident. Gather witness information and contact information. If you can, take pictures and videos of the accident scene showing any traffic control signs or signals, property damage, injuries, and visible skid marks on the roadway.

Seek immediate medical attention. You may not feel that hurt. Maybe you only feel slightly sore and shaken up. Go get evaluated by a doctor. Accident injuries may not fully present themselves until later on, but an insurance company will use you not getting immediate medical attention to undermine or completely deny any injury claim you pursue. Be sure to seek follow-up care as recommended by your medical providers. Consistent medical care according to your treating doctor’s instructions is also critical to preserving the strength and value of a personal injury claim. It is also important to help you recover and regain control of your health and well-being.

Be sure to notify your insurance company of the accident. You are under a contractual obligation to speak to your insurance company. When doing this, avoid speculation regarding fault and your injuries. Keep your answers simple and to the point. Sometimes, “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure” are perfectly acceptable answers.

New Jersey Personal Injury Attorneys

Get legal representation you can trust after being in an accident. At Levin & Malkin, we are here to help you in a time when things can feel overwhelming, even out of control. After an accident, we want you to focus on your health. Let us take on the responsibility of fighting to enforce your legal right to monetary compensation for the harm you have suffered due to someone else’s negligence. Contact us today.

Posted in: Car Accidents